Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist
(PG-13), 1 hr. 55 min.
Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist is a captivating documentary that unveils the timeless mystery and transformative power of the Eucharist. We take a journey from the historical and biblical roots of the Mass, to contemporary stories of individuals whose lives have been profoundly touched by the Eucharist encounter. As we delve deeper, we discover that the Eucharist is not just a ritual, but a divine act of love that quenches the spiritual thirst of humanity. The documentary features commentary from leading Catholic voices including: Dr. Scott Hahn, Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Curtis Martin, Chris Stefanick, James Wahlberg, Sr. Briege McKenna, Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly, the Marian Fathers and the Sisters of Life.

Added Value Description: (15 Minutes) Following screenings of Jesus Thirsts, audiences will be treated to a short bonus feature produced by the Knights of Columbus, entitled Our Lady of Guadalupe: Woman of the Eucharist. It explores Our Lady's miraculous appearance to St. Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill and the centrality of the Eucharist to this historic event. There, she invites the Aztec people to spiritually give their hearts to her and unite their will to that of her son. Jesus. We also hear from Catholics today, who have embraced Our Lady of Guadalupe's call and look to her as a Eucharistic companion, guiding them to her son, found in the Blessed Sacrament.
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